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Antonio P. Contreras, Ph.D.
Professor 1

Dr. Antonio P. Contreras is a political scientist who specializes in political theory and analysis.  His career spans a broad spectrum not only in terms of discipline but also in terms of his epistemological and methodological groundings.

His academic career has been a diverse array of areas that span the entire spectrum of the disciplines, from the very mathematical to the very post-modern.  His master’s thesis in UPLB was on mathematical modelling of forest land-use allocation problems involving multiple stakeholders with competing goals.  He taught hard-core quantitative courses at the CFNR.  And then he went to his graduate studies at the University of Hawaii, took his second master’s and doctorate degrees in political science. Initially, he wanted to focus on public policy, but the dominant post-structuralist, post-modern, post-colonial and feminist orientation of his department has influenced him to refocus his academic path toward critical political theory and analysis. His doctoral dissertation was still focused on forestry, but it was an application of Michel Foucault’s genealogical analysis in inquiring into the evolution of the forestry policy discourse in the country.

Upon his return to UPLB and when he moved to DLSU0, he began to expand his horizon to now include an analysis of politics in the context of everyday and ordinary lives of people, as he focused on popular culture, media and political communication, even as he continued conducting research and engaged in professional activities about the environment.  His academic career, thus, spanned the spectrum from modelling forest land-use allocation problems to culture studies where he analyzed popular cultural texts such as soap operas and social media.  He can be as mathematical as he can be post-modern and post-structural.  He can analyze a problem using any of the optimization techniques in operations research and management, or the methods of discourse analysis.

In SESAM, he will focus his teaching, research and social engagement/extension on environmental security and diplomacy.

Dr. Contreras is both an academic and a vlogger.  He publishes in academic journals as a scholar, even as he has his daily posts in Facebook and his thrice a week political vlog #UsapangPulitika where he endeavors to popularize political science topics.  He also writes a column “On the Contrary” that appears thrice weekly in The Manila Times.



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Eduardo F. Roquiño
Assistant Professor 1

Ed’s areas of interest are in resource economics and political ecology. Specifically, he investigates the intersectionality of economics, power, and culture in the context of socioecological issues.

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Enrique P. Pacardo, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus

Dr. Enrique Pacardo has more than 40 years of research in environmental impact assessment, sustainable rural development, environmental management, natural resource management and environmental education.

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Juan Miguel R. Guotana, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor 3
JM is a geologist with research interests in igneous and metamorphic petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, tectonics, microanalysis applications in geoscience, and carbonation of ultramafic rocks for CO2 storage. His former research involvements include mantle petrological works, multi-stage metasomatism and metamorphism of ultramafic rocks, high-pressure metamorphism, mineral-water interaction, deep-ocean drilling, drilling the crust-mantle transition (Oman Drilling Project), and geochemistry of volcanic rocks.
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Rosemarie Laila D. Areglado
University Research Associate II

RM is a development communication practitioner with a specialty in community broadcasting. Her research interests are environmental education and communication, climate-smart agriculture, disaster risk reduction and management, and qualitative and social research. Her expertise involves science popularization, crafting of communication plans, capacity and knowledge building, and development and conceptualization of creative works in the production of Information, Education & Communication (IEC) materials in print & in the broadcast. She is also SESAM’s multimedia specialist skilled in photography and videography.

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Badi Samaniego, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor 4

Badi has many years of experience in research and coastal resources management, and has collaborated with government institutions, NGOs, academe, local government units and fisher-folks at various levels and capacities since 1995. He specializes in coral reef fish ecology and has been part of numerous projects on marine protected areas assessment and evaluation. He was a research fellow with the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and lead the reef fish survey team during the Global Reef Expedition through over 9 territories from the Eastern Pacific (Galapaos) through to the Indian Ocean (British Indian Ocean Territory) from 2012 to 2015. His post-graduate project focused on marine protected areas and looked into trajectories of change in the fish and benthic communities using space for time substitution.